Welcome. Land on the planet.

Make yourself at home. Stay here.


Memories, funny stories and cute sketches about my great-grandmother.

I was lucky enough to be my great-grandmother's namesake. She signed her postcards as "Grandma (great)". But everyone, including me, called her Manya.

Manya was the greatest optimist, humourist and free, strong person. And she is worthy of a whole storybook. Writing down her stories and preserving her personality in the pages of the Universe is the small bow I can make after she departed from Earth.

So, I dedicate this book to Grandma (great) Manya.

With a light heart, Irm Falk.


Backend development: Dmitry Barabash.

Basic frontend website template: downloaded from All-free-download.com, and I don't regret it.

Special thanks for the title font to SpideRaY.