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Ice Cream Tasting


When I was a little girl, my family lived in a country that, fortunately, is no longer on the world map. There was a lot in this country that would be difficult for a modern, civilized person to understand. For example, there has always been a problem with the range of different goods. I remember no more than four standard types of ice cream, of which two were tasty. And although many people will say it's not true, my memories are precisely like that.

However, things began to change when I was about eight years old. More choices appeared on the shelves. Small cooperative enterprises prepared some of it. But, something, surprisingly, began to be imported from abroad. At some point, kiosks with unfamiliar types of ice cream began to appear in our city. They came in different flavours and attractive, colourful packaging. It was simply impossible to try everything. Firstly, the prices were high, and secondly, I couldn't go overboard with cold and sweet things. But, as a child, of course, I wanted all the ice cream in the world.

One day, Grandma Lyalya and I stopped at a kiosk and began to choose. We wanted to try four new products, but I understood well: we wouldn't buy that many.

However, Grandma, thoughtfully looking at the ice cream, suddenly said, "Listen, let's take one of each type."

"But that's a lot," I gainsaid. "That's eight portions."

"We'll take four," answered Grandma, "and divide them in half. So we'll try everything and eat only two. Say that your grandma is great."

That's what we did. When we got home, we cut each portion in half. Then we settled down in front of the TV. The next episode of a very long Brazilian series began. And we started tasting. We simultaneously discussed the series and the taste of the new ice cream. The August evening rain drummed on the window, knocking down the last summer heat. And my childhood was in no hurry.


several portions of different ice cream (it's advisable to choose ice cream that you haven't tried before)

interesting movie or series

good company



Unwrap the ice cream, cut each portion in half and put it onto two plates.


Turn on a TV series or movie, get comfortable and start tasting.


Don't forget to simultaneously discuss what's happening on the screen and the taste of the ice cream.


Listen to the companion and enjoy the moment.


Backend development: Dmitry Barabash.

Basic frontend website template: downloaded from All-free-download.com, and I don't regret it.

Special thanks for the title font to SpideRaY.